Thursday 22 April 2010

Turtle Time With...Turtle

So my ladies have set up this blog and said that me and Pancake have our own page to fill up with stuff. That's pretty exciting. Well, I thought it was exciting. Pancake just huffed and went back to sleep. So I thought I'd show you some of my most favorite things, just in case, you know, you wanted to send me a present or something. *goofy doggy grin*

Well, most favorite toy is my blue squeeky Bad Cuz. Except that I chewed the squeeky out and now it doesn't squeek. Dad said he's not buying me any more because I just ruin them and the squeeking gets annoying. But he'll break down and bring me a new one home soon like he always does.

My favorite thing to do is play fetch. I love to play on the beach and even swim out in the water to catch the ball. Dad uses a Chuck-It so he can throw the ball really, really far. The only problem is that I have a hard time keeping my mouth closed when I swim and end up drinking a lot of salty water. Then I have to pee a lot and sometimes have accidents in the house. Dad just grumbles and cleans up after me. I guess it's better than the time I threw up my dinner and a gallon on salt water all over his bed.

And here's a picture of me swimming:

Let's talk about some of my favorite treats. You all know I love doughnuts but I'm only allowed to eat those on special occasions. And sometimes when my Dad gets french fries he shares them with me. My favorite dog treats are bully sticks. They're so stinky and chewy and I love them.

I also love Blue Buffalo Apple and Yogurt Health Bars. They're crunchy and Dad says they're good for me because they're organic. I don't really care about all that fancy stuff...I just like the way they taste.

Dad gets me and Pancake's collars from Collarmania because they donate money to help pitbulls who aren't lucky enough to have good homes like me. Plus they make really nice collars. We get new ones every year...I'm about due! Mine gets pretty gross since I spend so much time swimming and doing other dirty things. Pancake makes sure to keep hers clean.

And of course my favorite chew toys are shoes. Nikes are my favorites, but don't tell Dad.

Until next time, Turtle smooches for everyone! And feel free to send chocolately doughnuts my way.


Anonymous said...

Turtle's adorable. My dogs are jealous that he got his very own blog entry.

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