Thursday 22 April 2010

Chapter 10: Resolution rising

Main Entry: Resolution
Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: Determination, strong will, answer, judgement
When we arrived earlier tonight, the club had been pretty much empty except for a few quiet lurkers and us. During the 30 minutes we'd been gone, the bar had become flooded with an abundance of hot, sweaty bodies. The amount of alcohol, flowing from the bar in steady streams, was almost obscene, and the music had, at the very least, doubled in volume. I instantly recognised the song currently vibrating through the floor; it was Death by Diamonds and Pearls by Band of Skulls, a frequent hit on my play list.

I tugged on Edward's arm, yelling over the music. "Is it like this every night?"

He grinned and shouted back, "Pretty much!"

It was now apparent to me that Edward obviously knew his business and ran it extremely well in order to stay so fucking busy every night. Masen's was clearly a success for him, and, looking around, I could definitely see why. With large comfortable leather sofas, black walls, exposed brickwork, and intimate lighting, the interior was edgy and effortlessly cool, although I hadn't really paid much attention earlier. The interaction between Edward and I outside had thrown me for a loop, and I entered the club feeling anxious and all too aware that this was the first time I'd socialised with anyone other than Alice and Jasper since arriving in Seattle.

I'd had a drink which helped take the edge off my anxiety, but there was something about Edward that made me falter. I hovered by the door we'd just come through and watched Edward weave his way effortlessly through the crowd to get to the bar. In a matter of seconds, he was behind the counter and taking orders. He worked quickly and efficiently, pouring shots, passing out beers, and taking money from countless outstretched hands with a smile on his face as he chatted back and forth with the customers who were clamouring for their drinks. As I watched him work, he seemed familiar to me, comfortable almost. And in this exact moment I was feeling incredibly attracted to him...turned on didn't even begin to cover it. He looked so relaxed despite the pounding noise and thirsty demands, but I was caught off guard when suddenly he glanced over and saw me staring right back at him. I could feel a rapid increase in my heart rate as his green eyes locked with mine, and, as he flashed me a lopsided grin, I swear I felt it skip a beat. I smiled back, biting my bottom lip, silently praying that he hadn't noticed me blush from the neck up.


I jumped at the sound of my name and scanned the bar, my eyes landing on Jasper, who was waving at me from across the room. Feeling a little overwhelmed, I managed to squeeze my way through the throngs of people, unceremoniously flopping down on to the stool that Jasper saved for me.


"Hey Bells, where you been?"

"Upstairs with Edward."

He raised his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"No you pervert! I met Turtle and Pancake."

He grimaced. "Those dogs scare the shit out of me."

I scoffed. "You're kidding, right?"

"Nope! Especially the little one...I swear she's the devil incarnate."

I laughed hard; I'd been thinking something similar not even an hour ago.

A booming voice bellowed at me from the other side of the bar. "Well what can I get you, my little Sugar puff?"

Emmett was a pretty bulky guy. Underneath that stocky exterior he was all muscle and horsepower, but his personality was a huge contradiction to his physical appearance. He was built like a superhero, but for the most part he behaved like a naughty little kid. With dimples to die for, he was cheeky, full of fun, and always up to mischief. Pranks were his "speciality," but the poor, unsuspecting people on the receiving end didn't always share his enthusiasm.

I rolled my eyes, the humour still apparent on my face. "Emmett, you are such a basket case! Don't tell me you picked up Rose with that line?"

He was grinning so hard I thought his face might actually crack. "Are you kidding me? Of course! She loves that shit! Especially when I..."

There was loud thud as Rose's purse swiftly connected with the back of Emmett's head. She'd reached across the bar to deliver the blow, a small smirk on her face as she scolded him.

"Emmett Cullen! You may have the biggest dick known to mankind, but you also have the biggest damn mouth. So quit talking shit and get me a drink!"

He was pouting as he lined the shot glasses up on the bar and filled them with a crystal clear liquid. Jasper plucked his glass off the bar.

Rose picked up hers and took a small sniff, wrinkling up her nose. "Vodka? I wanted Tequila!"

Emmett looked pretty pleased with himself as he pushed a glass towards me and picked up his own, leaving just two to be claimed by Edward and Alice, I assumed. "Don't whine woman. It's imported, y'know, the good shit! Just don't tell the boss!" He flashed me a small wink, and I couldn't help but laugh.

At the mention of her name, Alice suddenly appeared from out of nowhere, tapping me on the shoulder. I jumped, startled by her, and was about to speak when I was cut off by a deliciously smooth voice.

"Don't tell me what?"

We all smiled sheepishly in Edward's direction as he joined us from the other end of the bar. He was hovering behind Emmett, wearing a menacing grin on his face. The crowds had now dispersed, and the atmosphere had mellowed considerably. The music was slow and quiet, with an acoustic track playing that wasn't quite loud enough for me to recognise.

"Don't tell you look like a giant dumbfuck sissy lemon sucker?"

There was a silent pause before laughter erupted from everyone, including Edward.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled a number, putting it on speaker phone before putting it down on the glass bar. After a few rings a female voice picked up. "Hello?"

Emmett's eyes were now wide with surprise; he must have recognised the voice on the end of line.

"Hi, Mom. It's Edward."

"Oh hi, Sweetie. How you doing? Everything OK?" The concern in her voice was evident.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Everything's good. I can't stay long. I was just calling to check something."

"Okay, what is it you need to know?"

We all leaned in closer to the phone, waiting silently with baited breath.

"Are you sure...and I mean absolutely certain, 100% positive...that Emmett was not either adopted, dropped on his head as a kid, swapped at birth, or the result of some kind of genetic experiment gone wrong?"

The look on Emmett's face was utterly priceless, while the look on Edward's was decidedly smug.

"Edward Anthony Cullen! And Emmett Dale Cullen, because I know you're there too! You are grown boys, adults, men! When are you going to start acting like it?"

"Probably never!" Answering her question, Edward and Emmett both spoke at the same time.

"I suspected as much! You boys do realize that you are going to exasperate me into an early grave?"

There was an undertone of humour in her voice as she spoke. She must undoubtedly be very well acquainted with the apparent juvenile ways of her sons by now.

Emmett piped up. "Aww, c'mon Mom. You know we love you."

She laughed, loud and hearty, at his casual admission. "I love you both, too, but I raised you better. Stop acting like a pair of monkeys, and do something productive. Edward, when was the last time your hair saw a pair of scissors? Get it cut! Nice and tidy please. And Emmett, you're a growing boy, but go easy on the doughnuts at work. And no more hot dogs at half-time, otherwise you'll never get Rosie to marry you! Just because I can't see you boys does not mean I don't know your bad habits! Now go to bed!"

Emmett stood stunned in shock as Edward laughed. "Yes, Ma'am!"

She huffed. "Sweet dreams. I love you both."

Edward spoke again, quieter this time. "We love you, too. Goodnight, Mom."

He ended the call, and Emmett turned to face him, a smirk twitching on his lips. "Nice move smart ass, but I will seek revenge!"

Alice picked up her shot glass, eyeing it carefully. "What are we drinking to?"

Emmett smiled, a soft genuine, toothy smile. "We are drinking to the return of Bella and the fact that we will hold her hostage if she tries to leave us!"

The laughter died down, and he was looking at me with a sad expression. "Seriously Bella, we all miss you, even the Gnomes pine for you..." Alice shot him a glare. " stay a little longer...please?"

I sighed, touched by his words. I'd left everything I'd ever known behind in Washington and had no intention of going back to it any time soon, if ever. I had nothing to lose by trying to start over again here, surrounded by people who loved me, people that I loved.

The begging and whining began in loud unison, but I was distracted by the surprisingly expectant expression on one face in particular: Edward's. He was staring right at me, his eyes the colour of burning absinthe as they smouldered and silently pleaded with me. My gaze was fixed on him as I spoke. "I'll stay."


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